
Have you seen those piles of sand,

that blow about the dusty lands.

Lifting up and crashing down,

blowing debris all around.

I wonder what they used to be,

maybe they were parts of me?

It’s hard to remember now,

who was what,

and where,

and how.

When things are scattered everywhere,

all that you can do is stare.



Don’t bring me the grandeur of jewels that attest to your greatness.

Show me your sadness and I will point out a river of wealth.

Don’t decorate yourself with twinkling lights to feel illuminated.

Show me your soul and it will light up the heavens.

Measure yourself instead on the love in your heart and the value of your time.

These are the things which pour into an ocean of endless skies.

Cosmic tantrum


I see you in the mirror, the mirror of my life

I see the pain inside of you reflected in my eyes

I see the troubled times we’ve shared in this life and the last

I see the reason god brought me here, I see this now at last

I believe the times are changing, and they’re changing very fast

The fire sweeping through me tells me nothings going to last

New life already here, the beginning as something ends

What brought us together will now tear it down again

Yet in the chaos I’ve found peace and freedom ever more

In place of fear is truth and love, as this new life is born

On wings outstretched I now can soar much further than before

Believing in myself at last, believing I am more



The Anchor of Love

It was a dark and stormy night. The waves crashed against the shore as the boat was manoeuvred into the sea.

The wind began to pick up pace and as the boat moved out of the harbour it thrashed wildly about almost tossing it’s occupant over board.

The persons on shore said ‘Why do they set sail in such stormy sea’s when the harbour is safe?’

The answer came back from the wilderness beyond the dark night “because they have an anchor of love.”

There is no greater place to anchor yourself than in love. When the winds of change blow and you find yourself ship wrecked or drowning in the stormy seas of your life you can hold onto love.

This isn’t commercial love you can buy with a bunch of flowers, it’s love that lives in your heart and at the heart of everything. It is the unconditional love that trumps all else. The love which will hold you in everything you face. The love that will be there when you have nothing left to hold onto.

When everything else falls love stands strong and shows you the way forward. Not the way back to fix it, the way forward.

You must listen to love. You must look for it. You must find it in yourself in order to progress.

Love will lift you up and carry you. It will be without a doubt all you have left when there is nothing else.

That’s because love is everything. It is the beginning and it is the end. It is the first footsteps of a child, the last breathe we take, the forests and oceans. It is the blood in your veins and the breathe in your lungs.

If you can find love in this way you are always home safe. That doesn’t mean you don’t experience pain, it means you look for love to pull you through and it will.

Pain is part of progress and it is part of love. Because love is everything. Love opens our hearts to pain and fills us up with it’s light. it occupies more space as a result of the pain we feel.

We can’t always feel love in this way, especially when we first start looking. Part of learning to love is finding the courage to begin the journey and that is seldom done in isolation.

Often reaching out for help can be one of the first acts of love we take.

Be brave. Have the courage to believe you are worthy and let love light the way.

Love and light, Chloe x

The Perfect Illusion

Lady Gaga recently released a song called Perfect Illusion. I really like that title and it has inspired some writing about the idea of perfect.

When we go through our lives trying to be perfect we fail. We strive for the perfect house, perfect car, perfect appearance, perfect partner, perfect family etc.

We say to ourselves, ‘Yes this is it!’ or “When I get there things will be perfect”. People even say they have found the perfect person without realising their perfect is probably a perfect illusion rather than a perfect acceptance of that person as they are.

So let’s go back for a moment. We have got the perfect whatever and then when something goes ‘wrong’ we despair. How could this happen to my perfect thing? Why can’t I get it right?

Well I’m here to tell you what happens to perfect illusions. Because perfect is not something you work at but in fact something that you already.

Everyday we are in a state of change. Every time we breathe we are changing. The trouble with searching for perfection is that we are in essence already there in our state of change. We are already perfect. Everything is already perfect.

Perfect cannot be in any other place than right now.

The perfect we strive for is a perfect illusion.

You cannot and will never attain perfection by reaching a point of ‘I made it’ because it will very soon change. The most frustrating part of this is the trying to grasp perfection and hold onto it like a badge of honour. Inevitably it will evolve into something else in perhaps what will seem like a very imperfect way.

When you try to hold onto perfect you try to control it. You have no control, you only have choice. You can resist change, you can over control OCD style, you can develop anxiety or depression, or any other range of responses.

Life will happen, things will change. Nothing is perfect because it stays as it is, it is in fact perfect in every moment that we live.

We are perfect in every moment we live.

Being perfect right now doesn’t mean easy. It means acceptance of what is as being perfect for you. For a number of reasons this might not seem like the truth but it is. Everything happening to you and around you right now is directly in line with what you need.

I hope this is a helpful reminder next time you are beating yourself up about something you felt was wrong. If you feel angry or sad it’s not because of perfection it’s perspective. Ask yourself what is speaking in response to the event and turn that way instead.

Love and light, Chloe x

Light in the Darkness

When all the world is crying,

The pain almost surreal,

There is a light in the darkness,

A place for you to heal.

When nothing seems together,

When all has come undone,

There is a light in the darkness,

No matter what you’ve done.

When life is far from happy,

When all else seems to fail,

There is a light in the darkness,

It’s calling out your name.

When nothing else is left,

When you leave it all behind,

There is a light in the darkness,

There is a light waiting to shine.


Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil; for thou art with me. Psalm 23:4

In the greatest darkness we are loved, in the farthest reaches we are home.

In this great darkness we are closer than before to god.

We have journeyed into the deepest parts of our being.

Where there is nothing but love.

Into the darkness we go, to find ourselves.

I can’t tell you whats beyond this point, only that we go to find ourselves there. When we are experiencing grief we are taken to this place of unfathomable depth. It is a deep process. There is no time here.

When we are grieving we are not able to convey how much we truly feel because it is a felt experience. We know it but can often not put it into words.

Therefore we try to control it, but it is not so easily restrained. It demands to be felt.

Grief is a process which can be navigated if you surrender to it. But you cannot walk the path alone.

It is about connection. It is re-connection. It is creation. This is not something done in isolation.

If you are holding your grief you will be carrying a large load. Not just for yourself, but for the whole of humanity, and it is too heavy for you alone to manage. You must reach out for help.

You must respond to your grief and let it guide you through the darkness and as you emerge you will see anew a world not as before.

And you will never forget who you lost, but you will find peace.

If you would like to work with the light and be supported through grief please get in touch x







Life – Part 1 – What are you doing with your energy?

If we could see just how much our thoughts, words and actions weighed us down every day and how they accumulated over time we would have an insight into our creation process and the way it underpins how we experience our reality.

All day every day we are bombarded by the experience of life and in an attempt to understand and navigate this we create, constantly. Every response we have is creation in action. We are creating and we are changing. But we don’t just change ourselves, we change everything.

Ever noticed how you can be thinking of someone and the next moment they might contact you. This is a simple but clear way of demonstrating how we affect and are effected by life.

But what is life? What are we going about creating and why would we want to? On a small scale life is the collective experience of everything. Yet it is so much more. It is at times an unfathomable acceptance of what is and through that immeasurable opportunities to grow into ever greater light.

Life is the experience we have in each moment. As we live we respond to life and it responds to us.

Our experience of life is comprised of every possible imaginable and unimaginable occurrence.

While we are busy creating everyday life continues to unfold. Like a flower opening in the sunlight we dare to enter into this dance and be moved by the tides of experience.

We dare because we have courage in our hearts. Because we have love.

Much love x

A time of hope

There once was 3 wise men who were seeking a light and a promise of hope and healing. They brought gifts and shared what wealth they had to honour and revel in the light of the child who had come to Earth.

Wise people still seek this light and in fact the light is still here. There are many reason through the year to honour this light all around you as well as in your own heart but to remind you of this we share this message on Christmas day to carry with you into the new year.

Honour the light in yourself,

Believe you are worthy of love,

Be kind to the Earth,

Fearlessly use your gifts to inspire and uplift others,

Be open to receive the wisdom of your heart,

Go beyond fear and flow into a state of peace,

Find freedom within your heart.

There is no better time than now to create a movement of change which comes from a place of love. The wisdom behind this is already closer than you realise and you only need reach out towards this truth and it will be available to you.

Much love and blessings xx







Entering a new phase

As the year begins to draw to a close we are reminded of the time we have spent with loved ones and the memories we have shared. Perhaps we have lost someone or moved away from certain people, relocated to different parts of the world or found reason to make certain changes in our own lives.

These shifts are happening to allow us to expand and grow into a new level of awareness. some are subtle and some more profound, but one thing is for sure and that is that we are all constantly experiencing them.

The light is constantly seeking to help you emerge into these higher states whilst shedding the baggage we carry through many lifetimes. The healing is not always evident at first, or ever, however it is always done with the intention to improve your current situation.

The ending of a year is a time to reflect on these events. Remaining unconscious to the healing within them only allows the energy to be carried over into the new year where it begins to manifest again.

The doorway is now open more than ever to embrace the opportunity to release and resolve any conflicts you are experiencing. They will without doubt be visible to you now and you are being encouraged to embrace them within your awareness and therefore begin to move through them into a lighter place.

This does not mean you are able to skip the responsibility or overlook what has happened, rather you are embracing the entire experience as a whole and beginning to look at it in a new and informed way which will enable you to begin to resolve it.

I do encourage you to review the major events of the past year and bring them into the light of your awareness so that healing may begin, begin careful not to exclude those that seem too difficult as it is often the fear which prevents connecting to these experiences rather than the experience itself.

The Emerald Heart Light is available for the following 3 days without exchange https://emeraldheartlight.com/ as well as the Divine Plan Light  https://www.facebook.com/events/136609313691380/ and I couldn’t think of a better time to take advantage of this.

There is still time available for consultations before the end of the year for those who wish to begin the new year from a fresh perspective. Please do get in touch if you have any questions or feedback from my posts at chloe.andelkovic@hotmail.com.

Much love and blessings at this time, Chloe x